It's biking weather, and I've been snapping some walls while out and about: Somewhere near Germantown Ave and Norris.
Norris between 2nd and American.
Norris between 2nd and American.
near Amber and Front
near Coral and Front
This beauty is on 2nd and Girard, and I think will be the inspiration for my final surface design project. I spent all day doing clamp dying in acid dye on a yard of silk trying to get a brick texture. I also have a quarter yard of silk sitting in a procion dye bath of blue. Depending on how dark it turns out overnight, I'll either overdye or discharge with clamps again. I forgot to bring home my fabric, or else I'd be setting up some rust dying on white tonight.
Wow!!! I love these images. Maybe I will post some on my blog of street-related "art"...