For the past month my teenybopper screenprinters at Fleisher have been layering and layering prints in a round robin abstract exchange inspired by the prints of Frank Stella. Students learned about positive and negative space, geometric and organic shapes, lines, and color as well as representational and non-representational abstraction. Students worked in different pairs for each layer to learn how to work cooperatively. They also learned how to block screens, register, and clean up properly sharing responsibilities.
Their next layer used designs cut out of contact paper to block the screen. Most of these shapes were geometric, and they had to decide whether to make their image a positive or negative print by choosing what part of the contact paper to place on the screen. They also had to work together to plan their design and how their own shapes would complement their partner's. Before printing, students picked out 4 different backgrounds to print upon, making all of these original monoprints- no editions.
The third layer was based off of organic shapes primarily. Students again planned designs with their partner, decided on positive or negative space, but this time cut designs out of freezer paper to use as a block. These were intended to be much simpler than the previous designs. Again before printing, students selected 4 different prints to layer over.
The fourth and final layer was more individual. Prints were exchanged yet again. This time students drew on the screen with caran d'ache water soluble pastels and pulled transparent base over the drawing to monoprint over their images to introduce the element of line.
So these images show a selection of final prints that resulted through this process. Students selected one print to keep as is. However, the other 3 prints they owned were carried over into one more process....
The prints were cut and glued into abstract collages, breaking the rectangular format. And for those images you'll have to wait, as they haven't been photographed yet. On Saturday the kids had a critique about the final works. They especially liked the opportunity to cut up their prints to turn into something else. We also had fun seeing images in abstraction.
I love these! And I'm amused by the fact that I like them a lot better than I like the work of Frank Stella.