One of the activities the Free Library of Philadelphia suggested for their summer reading program was for kids to create a craft from a book at the library. So after picking up "Softies Only a Mother Could Love: Lovable Friends for you to Sew, Knit, or Crochet" edited by Jess Redman and Meg Leder, my daughter created her version of "Arno the Cat". She traced the pattern, cut out the fabric, embroidered the face, stitched the pieces together on my machine (with me biting my nails and hovering), stuffed it, and handed it off to me to suture...... um, I mean slip-stitch. I finished off the second one behind it. Attention spans last only so long, you know. The basic idea behind stuffed animals like these is to sew together 2 duplicate animal shapes and stuff. They're not fully dimensional animals, but they're simple and quirky, and even a kid can make them.
I love these guys!